
You can find Grama Sue's Rainbow Eggs at:

The Hy Vee on Agency in Burlington, IA


Wednesday - Friday 9am to 1pm at the farm 1/2 mi east of the Nauvoo-Colusa Jr. High then 3/4 mile North on 1050.

Wednesday 3-7 pm at the Painted Corners on HWY 96 in Lomax, IL


7 - 11 am Keokuk Farmer's Market at the mall

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Changes, Changes

Life has been pretty crazy around here the last few weeks. When I wrote that post saying good-bye to my garden, I thought I was just saying good-bye for the winter. While I was gone, my old farmer went to Heaven. So after the funeral, I spent several days moving out and trying to move plants from that garden home. There's no way I'd be able to keep up with it if I wasn't there 3 days a week. Then I got sick. Nothing serious, just normal caregiver burnout after a job is done and a cold shared by generous grandchildren :)

I'm starting to get my bearings. It's kinda strange not to have 48 hours of work that has to be done within the next 24. To bad it won't last. People call me wanting someone to help them all the time. I'm sure I'll be back to sleeping around soon!

In the mean time, I'm looking around my place and trying to decide how to expand the gardens here to accommodate all the stuff I was planning to do over there next year. Some people have told me it's so sad that I did all that work and now it's gone. But it's really OK. Working on the gardens at my old farmer's gave me something to do, it made him happy and most of all it gave me a chance to prove to Grampa Tom that I could do it! He has recognized that I have quite a bit of skill and talent when it comes to gardening and now my suggestions don't always sound like craziness to him :)

Next week, I'll start on my last year of assessing. Can't wait to get that job done. Then I can get on with my real life! Taking care of people and God's beautiful earth :)

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