
You can find Grama Sue's Rainbow Eggs at:

The Hy Vee on Agency in Burlington, IA


Wednesday - Friday 9am to 1pm at the farm 1/2 mi east of the Nauvoo-Colusa Jr. High then 3/4 mile North on 1050.

Wednesday 3-7 pm at the Painted Corners on HWY 96 in Lomax, IL


7 - 11 am Keokuk Farmer's Market at the mall

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

My Bible Translation Project and A Message From God

When I opened my word processor yesterday to finish this chapter up, every word had red squiggly lines under them indicating they were misspelled, except the words "I AM LORD Yehovah". He is our deliverer! Check it out!

Exodus 12

God Bless You All!

~Grama Sue

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