Wow! I'm finally back! Got really busy doing another round of Census work and then my satellite internet got hit by lightening again. My cell phone company finally has internet, so I decided to switch. Now I have internet on a cool new Android phone and I can attach it to my other computers and get internet anywhere I go. To some of you city dwellers that may seem like an expensive route to go, but it is actually $5 a month cheaper than what I had before. Not many choices out here in the boonies for internet. It took me awhile to figure out how to use it, but I'm getting there!
Remember the little geese? They've all got feathers now. Had some predator problems a few weeks ago so we've only got 5 of the babies left, but they are coming in the chicken pen at night now. We close the lot gate at night and let them out in the morning so they should be safe now.
We are getting melons now. Not as many on the vines as we had hoped for, but everyone else seems to be having the same problem so it is probably not a problem with our beds.
We had a little volunteer plant that looked like some kind of a squash come up in my garlic bed so we decided to let it grow. It has turned into a monster that is trying to take over everything!
No kidding, this is ONE vine!
We finally found out what it was, it's a goosenecked gourd. Hopefully it puts on more than one of these!
Our thorn-less blackberries did really well this year. Decided to plant some more, so I am using some of the containers that Grampa finds so useless to root them in. Good thing I wouldn't let him burn this stuff!
The chickens have gone on strike with this hot weather. We were getting 130-150 eggs a day, but now we are down to around 70 most days. The little chicks are starting to lay some. We had over a dozen pullet eggs yesterday. If you are looking for our eggs in the stores or at the markets and their aren't any, please be patient! We'll be back up to full production and more in a few weeks. This is a problem with not stockpiling, but when you can get our eggs, you know they are fresh!
God Bless You All!
~Grama Sue