
You can find Grama Sue's Rainbow Eggs at:

The Hy Vee on Agency in Burlington, IA


Wednesday - Friday 9am to 1pm at the farm 1/2 mi east of the Nauvoo-Colusa Jr. High then 3/4 mile North on 1050.

Wednesday 3-7 pm at the Painted Corners on HWY 96 in Lomax, IL


7 - 11 am Keokuk Farmer's Market at the mall

Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Our thorn-less blackberries are blooming. They even have lots of berries starting to form. We don't have near enough of these plants! They produce huge sweet blackberries and you don't even have to risk injuring yourself to get them! I'd love to have a half an acre or so of them. 

We were given a few canes a couple of years ago when the good folks at Baxter's Winery http://www.nauvoowinery.com/ were thinning theirs out. We didn't know how well they would do out here. Grapes don't do so well because the herbicide they spray on the fields around here tends to drift and stunt their growth, but these blackberries did fine.

God Bless You All!

~Grama Sue

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